Tuesday 20 September 2011

Magazine Proposal

Emma Pilling
Room 24
Thomas Adams School
Lowe Hill Road
01939 237 000


Magazine Proposal for M+SM Magazine.
I feel people should want to read my magazine as it offers a variety of features that other magazines don’t have or don’t cover as well as mine does.  It’s extremely versatile and offers information on all music genres; therefore it can be bought by anyone with a remote interest in music. I believe it will be more popular than other music magazines because we cover all aspects of the music world rather than focusing on just one thing. Unlike other music magazines, we go out of our way to help new bands to get recognition they deserve, which we believe the audience will find a brilliant feature as the majority of them most probably being musicians or people that aspire to do something within music, and people who are interested in finding music for them. Our competitions are magazines such as NME, Kerrang! Magazine and Q magazine, therefore we will try our hardest to differentiate from them.

My magazine is called M+SM which stands for ‘Music and Sound Magazine’ it’s called this because it purely focuses’ on both new and old music and all things musically related and nothing else. A sans serif typeface will be used on the magazine to give it a more attractive, appropriate and inviting look rather than a serif typeface which I feel would represent the magazine incorrectly as a lot more serious and I feel, boring. The main image of my magazine will star a female/male music artist that is popular and well known in order for it to be more likely to attract people due to recognition of the artist. The image will be full length and will always coordinate with the coloring of the text in some way to make the magazine look more subtle, attractive and give it a calmer vibe. When placing the image on the magazine cover I will ensure that the face appears in the top third of the page, in order to gain attraction. The majority of the time I will use a straight on shot to create eye contact and attract the audience, although sometimes I will use a different shot angle. The main images will be taken in a studio so that way it’s much easier to create the vibe/theme the magazine is going for on that particular occasion, however sometimes they will be taken in an outdoor area (e.g. A deserted place or against a plain background) this way we can achieve the look we’re going for with the cover with great ease and vary the location. The clothes the artist will wear will be the clothes that you would typically expect to see them in (e.g. A rapper in baggy jeans) this way the artist will be instantly recognized  however we will ensure the clothes they wear will be fashionable to make the cover more attractive. A couple of cover lines I will use will be ’98 Song Reviews’ and ‘Free iTunes voucher’ their purpose is to attract the audience into wanting to purchase the magazine and read more, therefore I decided to use lines that would be appealing to the target audience in order to do so. I will use ’98 Song Reviews’ because 98 is an odd number therefore should be more attractive rather than using an even number and I feel as it’s a music magazine people will want to know what’s good and what isn't  ‘Free iTunes voucher’ will be used and offered to the audience to encourage people to buy the magazine in order to redeem the voucher, also as I believe the audience would have a passion for music, they would not decline an opportunity to get it for free.  I won’t use any graphics and the layout will be sparse in order to give the magazine a clean look, without too many things to look at at once, which I feel would be off-putting and busy to the audience and wouldn't achieve the look the magazine is going for.

My target audience is mainly people between the ages of 15-35 interested in music, music reviews, upcoming bands and artists, gigs and concerts, interviews with music artists, music artists and their looks, and music technology/equipment. I will aim to attract this audience by basing my magazine around all of the things stated previously and I will do surveys based on my magazine to find out what people want.

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