Wednesday 14 September 2011

Movie Poster Analysis: 30 Days of Night

what genre is the film? the film is horror
what genre conventions of the form are used? from the poster you can tell that its a tense scene from the movie as the man upfront looks cautious and the girl looks fearful, in red behind the girl it says 'They're coming' with a group of people in the background, the colours used and the facial expressions on the actors faces, in the bottom right corner shows the face of the demons in the film, there face looks frightening which gives us a clue that its a horror also the text font used is commonly used to advertise horror movies. the lighting is very dark and the colour temperature is low.

which conventions of the form are used? on the movie poster it displays a billing block, title,  and a small review from James Dyer.  There is also a star rating and a release date and a web address. 

Describe the mise-en-scene in detail including location, lighting, costume and makeup. the location is northern alaska where they are in what looks like snow covered land the lighting is very dark and the costume is typical cold weather clothes that you would wear in the weather conditions that are displayed, the makeup on the girl is dark and subtle.

What symbols are used in the poster? do you need audience foreknowledge to decode the symbols?  a group of bloodthirsty vampires in the background give the audience a clue as to the genre and what the film may be about. the people look fearful for what may be round the corner. the man is holding a axe and it gives you a clue as to there may be killing in the film which automatically makes 

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